VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form frmMain Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight = 2760 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 345 ClientWidth = 3960 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 2760 ScaleWidth = 3960 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin VB.Timer TheTimer Enabled = 0 'False Left = 1800 Top = 960 End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit ' In this sample, we use the timer control to fire events ' at a regular interval. However, the control requires a form ' for placement. Thus, as the form receives Timer events, it ' simply calls the Alarm method in the Notifier component. Private Sub TheTimer_Timer() gNotifier.Alarm End Sub